The 7 Mountains of Culture

The Mountain of Government/Military

The growth of government in America, at every level, has thrust this mountain of culture into the center of discussion and debate on virtually every topic.

Within all levels of government, everything from budgets, to number of employees, to number of laws and regulations, has grown exponentially over the past sixty years.

“I was once told that my efforts to bring positive transformation to the government mountain of culture was working against the will of God. When I asked why, my friend stated that `the Bible says things are going to get worse and worse, and then Jesus will come. By you trying to make things better, you’re resisting God’s will regarding the second coming of Christ.’  This begs the question: Should we all then sin more, so things will get worse more quickly and Jesus return sooner?”

– Guy Rodgers

Our responsibility as Christians, our calling, is to extend and reveal God’s kingdom throughout all areas of life. Given the system of government we have, and the freedoms that come with it, we in America have opportunities and responsibilities that have been largely unknown to humanity in the history of the world.

For instance, the right to vote.  Yet various surveys reveal that significant percentages of professing Christians either aren’t registered to vote, or don’t vote.

Our calling is not to conquer this mountain, but to bring transformation to it.  To extend flourishing here as we should in the other six mountains of culture.  Thus, every one of us has a call to exercise leadership in this mountain, from voting to holding public office.

Our responsibility as Christians, our calling, is to extend and reveal God’s kingdom throughout all areas of life. Given the system of government we have, and the freedoms that come with it, we in America have opportunities and responsibilities that have been largely unknown to humanity in the history of the world.

For instance, the right to vote.  Yet various surveys reveal that significant percentages of professing Christians either aren’t registered to vote, or don’t vote.

Our calling is not to conquer this mountain, but to bring transformation to it.  To extend flourishing here as we should in the other six mountains of culture.  Thus, every one of us has a call to exercise leadership in this mountain, from voting to holding public office.